A Two-Letter Domain – Why Is It So Precious?

How can you estimate the price of your domain name? If you have to do it on your own, that would be a challenging task.

One thing is for sure – if your domain name is short and memorable, the chances of getting a high appraisal are considerable. Two-letter domain names, i.e., domain names containing only two letters (or numbers) after .com, definitely fit the short (and hence memorable) category.

The value of two-letter domains

Two-letter domain names are domain names that are short and easily brandable. That’s why they come with a hefty price tag. Here is a shortlist of some two-letter domain sales and the price paid:

  • FB.com – sold for $8.5M
  • We.com – sold for $8 M
  • Z.com – sold for $6.8 M
  • IG.com – sold for $6.8 M
  • Yp.com – sold for $3.8 M    
  • HG.com – sold for $3.77M    
  • Mi.com – sold for $3.6M 

What is so special about two-letter domains?

There are only 676 two letters domains, and they are all registered. That makes them rare and unique. These domains are easy to type and remember, and often break the language barrier.

Two letters can mean almost anything and even might form a word depending on the language. For instance, “fe” is a Spanish word that means faith, and you can find over 300 different meanings of “aa.”

Another special characteristic all two-letter domains share is that everybody wants them. The reason for that is they are memorable, and companies can easily build their brand around them.

You can take as an example big corporations like LG, General Electric, HP, and many others that have built high traffic on their two-letter domains.  

HP is one of the oldest domain names, registered in 1986. 

Can you still acquire a two-letter domain?

The short answer is – yes, you can. Although all of them are registered, and some are off the market forever (because giant corporations own them), there are still two-letter domain names available for purchase.

If you want to acquire a precious and in-demand two-letter domain name, we would highly advise you to hire an experienced broker that can guide you through the tricky negotiation and acquiring process. Only a professional domain broker can get you a fair price and help you close the deal as smoothly as possible.

If you want to work with an expert, backed up by years of expertise and profound knowledge of the ins and outs of the domain industry, you can contact the expert here.