How to Pick a Creative Domain Name?

There are so many necessary steps to take when preparing to launch your business. They are accompanied by a variety of strategic decisions that can either make or break your business.

One such decision that is often overlooked by many business owners is the selection of a domain name. Picking and registering a domain name for your business is extremely important.  

Choosing a creative domain name can boost your brand authority and help you stand out among your competitors. If you are in search of a creative domain name, this guide will give you four tips that will help you get a domain name with maximum impact. 

Four Tips to Pick a Creative Domain Name 

1) Try a catchy phrase 

Try to create a catchy cleaver phase that can make your target audience smile and easily remember your brand. A catchy phrase or word can be an amazing alternative to having the name of your business as a domain name. 

2) Select a domain name that is a call to action

What is that you want your target audience to remember you by; what’s that beneficial action that you want them to do? 

  • Just do it 
  • Pay it forward 
  • Be all you can be 

A strong headline can inspire people and ultimately move them towards purchase. You can use a call to action domain name as your primary or secondary domain name. An example of such a great domain name is 

3) Use a modifier

Many companies dismiss great domain names just because they cannot find the exact match. This is a big mistake. Instead, you can add a modifier.  

Think of Tesla for a second. Up until 2016, if you typed, you would find that the page is parked. So, instead of giving up their quest of tesla, tesla added the modifier “motors,” and the company’s website was since their foundation.  

So, whenever you cannot find the exact match of the domain that you are looking for, think of a modifier you can add; don’t give up. 

4) Use the expertise of a professional domain broker

If you are in search of your perfect creative domain name, the best thing you can do is contact an expert domain broker. An expert domain broker knows the ins and outs of the domain industry and can help you pick the domain name that truly represents your brand, boosts your online presence, and helps you stand out from the competition. 

Click here to contact a professional domain broker from Domainer.